Annual Health Check-up 2021

HR would like to inform the details of the annual health check-up as follow

Period : 18 June 2021 to 15 September 2021

Eligible Person : All contract lecturers including monthly temporary employers except enterprise employees daily workers (For those who are ineligible and the families of the employees, if you wish to be examined, you must pay for the examination cost with the same special rate as the staff.)

Number of service :  Approximately 40 people per day, providing services to those who pre-registered via the link provided. 

Special Examinations : For 3 special health check-up items, which are mammogram, upper abdominal ultrasound  and cervical cancer by Thinprep method, the WUH will determine the date of the examination later because it is examined by outside agencies. 

Regulation : In order to reduce the risk of contracting the Coronavirus (Covid-19), employees must maintain social distance in accordance with the surveillance and disease prevention measures according to the policy.

WU Bangkok Campus : Employees working at Walailak University, Bangkok, the university will determine the date of the examination and inform the details of the medical examination directly later.

For more information : Contact health check-up department, WUH,  call 73082, 73059, or Welfare section, Division of Human Resources and Organizations, call 73777.

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